
Breaking Down Myths: Yes, Your Kid Can Still Reach Full Potential Height

Treating CPP can help your child reach their full potential height.

If your child has central precocious puberty (CPP), you may have heard that early puberty can impact height. It’s true that after an initial growth spurt, a child with untreated CPP can experience premature growth plate fusion and stop growing too soon. However, most children slow their velocity of bone maturation to a healthy, sustainable pace after starting CPP treatment. In other words, a CPP diagnosis does not automatically mean your child will not reach their expected height. Rather, the decision to treat your child’s CPP is the deciding factor of whether or not they’ll grow as tall as expected.

One of the primary reasons to treat a child’s CPP is, in fact, to help them reach their predicted adult height (which is based on how tall their parents are). Most boys with untreated CPP will not grow taller than 5 feet 2 inches, and girls with untreated CPP often do not grow taller than 5 feet, as opposed to the national height averages of 5 feet 9 inches for males and 5 feet 3.5 inches in females. Most kids who do embark on CPP treatment, meanwhile, can go on to reach their expected adult heights. Especially if puberty was detected early, children have more time to grow and therefore more time to reach their full stature.

We all want our kids to grow up tall and strong – growth is something to celebrate, after all – and it can feel worrisome to discover that our kid has a condition that could affect not only their height but their confidence. The good news is, you can do something to help. CPP treatment can set your child on a course to grow the way nature intended, and, ultimately, reach their full height potential.[1]

  1. Precocious puberty. National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). https://rarediseases.org/ rare-diseases/precocious-puberty/. 2016. Accessed January 6, 2019.

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