Growing Up

Boys’ and Girls’ Growth Charts

When left untreated, children with CPP typically experience an initial early growth spurt but end up as shorter adults. But treating CPP can help them achieve their predicted adult height (based on the height of their parents). As their parent or caretaker, you can use these downloadable growth charts from the MAGIC Foundation to keep an eye on your little one and see how they progress throughout treatment.

What are Growth Charts?

The CDC describes growth charts as a tool to track growth using a series of percentile curves to illustrate the distribution of selected body measurements—like height, weight, and head size— in children at different ages. You may already be familiar with growth charts because doctors and other medical professionals use them to track your kiddo’s growth and development as a regular part of any child’s check-up. 

Then, you can compare their measurements to other children of the same age and see if their growth is on the right track. Pretty cool, right? These charts can even provide an early warning about potential growth problems or other medical conditions.

Growth charts are not diagnostic instruments–they are a tool that contributes partly to a clinical impression and, potentially, a diagnosis. Your child’s doctor can determine if there is a medical problem or if your child’s growth is just something that needs to be watched. 

How to Measure Your Child at Home

As your child undergoes treatment for their CPP, you can track their progress by measuring them at home. The MAGIC Foundation provides these instructions on how to measure your child correctly. 

Before measuring, remove shoes, socks, and bulky clothing items like hair accessories or jackets. Go to a room with a hard floor (not carpeted) and have them stand against the wall. Their feet should be flat on the floor with their heels touching the wall. Their arms should be by their sides, and their head should face straight forward, not tilted up or down. 

Using a hardcover book and a pencil, place the book on their head and make sure the side of the book is flat against the wall. Mark the spot where your child’s head meets the book. Have them step away and use a measuring tape to measure the exact difference from the mark to the floor. Record the number on a piece of paper. 

You can use a flexible measuring tape or a piece of string to measure a child’s head. Wrap the string around the widest part of their head, hold it to a measuring tape, and record the number.

The MAGIC Foundation recommends repeating this process to confirm you have measured your child correctly. Once you have an accurate height measurement, you can use their downloadable growth chart for boys or growth chart for girls to compare your child’s height. 

Don’t panic if your kid’s measurements are a little smaller or larger than the average size on the growth chart. There is a wide range of typical measurements, and every kid is a little different. So just keep an eye on them and bring up any concerns at your next doctor’s appointment. 

Growth and CPP

How does growth relate to CPP? When CPP is left untreated, it can cause premature growth plate fusion so that children stop growing too soon and are unlikely to reach their predicted adult height

For example, most boys with CPP will not grow taller than five feet two inches, and girls often do not grow taller than five feet, as opposed to the national height averages of five feet nine inches for males and five feet three and a half inches for females. However, after starting CPP treatment, most children slow their velocity of bone maturation to a healthy, sustainable pace.

What is the MAGIC Foundation?

The MAGIC Foundation is an Illinois-based non-profit charity that provides support and services for families of children affected by a wide range of disorders, syndromes, and diseases that affect a child’s growth. Parents created this organization to reduce the trauma caused by growth disorders, leading to healthier, happier children (and adults!). Among the tools they provide are growth charts.

Using growth charts, you can track your kid’s development as they undergo CPP treatment. Growth charts are just one more tool you can use to monitor your child’s health and ensure that they’re on track to have a happy, healthy life.

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