
Celebrating Childhood: Indoor Activities

Sunny weather and warm days are perfect for getting your kids outside and having some fun in the sun! But what to do when the temperature drops or the weather forecast calls for rain? Easy! Try these eight indoor activities for kids to make the most out of your day indoors.

1. Bake and Decorate Cookies

Baking is a great way to make some fun memories together. If your kids are younger, make (or buy, we won’t tell) some plain cookies and bring them in for the fun part–decorating! Bust out some colorful sprinkles, icing, and whatever else you can think of. Encourage their creativity and let them go nuts. And don’t forget about the best part, eating them!

2. Pitch a Tent and Go (Indoor) Camping

Maybe you’re a family of campers, or maybe you don’t particularly care for the lack of indoor plumbing. Either way, indoor camping is sure to entertain your kids–no bugs allowed. Set up a tent inside (sans stakes) or construct a makeshift tent, blanket-fort style. Stick some glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, set out some sleeping bags, and get your flashlights ready to tell spooky stories! 

3. Have a Mini Makeover

If you wear make-up, your kids will probably be delighted at the prospect of being allowed to play around with cosmetics. You can buy a small child-friendly make-up kit or give them permission to use some of your old make-up. Let them go a little crazy on their make-up, and maybe even let them do your own! Put on a fashion show afterward to show off your new looks. You’ll share a lot of laughs and have a great time. Don’t forget to grab the camera and take some pictures!

4. Get Artsy with Rock Painting

Spend some time outside collecting smooth, flat rocks together and save them for a (literally) rainy day. Rock painting is an easy way to inspire your kid’s creativity and imagination. Once they’ve dried, you can put the finished products in your backyard to add a splash of color to your garden. Or you can use extra adornments, like pom poms and googly eyes, and make little rock pets.

5. Walk Like a Penguin

All you need for this game are a couple of balloons! It’s especially great for groups of kids. Blow up the balloons and give one to each kid. Have them stick the balloon between their legs, try to move around the room, and let the hilarity ensue. You can have them race to different parts of the room or attempt to complete tasks while walking like penguins. 

6. Host an Indoor Obstacle Course

Use your furniture, everyday objects, and lots of extra cushions to make an indoor obstacle course! Use a stopwatch to record how long it takes them to complete the course, and then have them rerun the course and try to beat their own time. One of the best parts of this activity is that it’s sure to wear your kid out. Tape arrows on the floor to guide them through the course and let them know where to go next. Here are a few obstacle ideas to get your own course started:


  • Walk from one point to another on a two-by-four, balance beam style
  • Army-crawl under a string stretched between chair legs
  • Go to the next obstacle while balancing a bean bag on their head
  • Use long pieces of tape in a hallway to make a laser beam-style obstacle
  • Climb over (or under) dining room chairs
  • The floor is lava! Put pieces of paper or taped boxes on the floor and have them jump from place to place.

7. Practice Rubbing Art

Collect some small, flat items from around your house with your child. Leaves, coins, and buttons are perfect! Then gather some crayons and remove their paper coverings. Lay the items you collected on a flat surface and place a piece of paper on top. Using a crayon on its side, roll it back and forth over the objects until an impression of that item appears on the paper. You’ll be able to fill an afternoon and more than a few pieces of paper with unique rubbing art.

8. Go on a Treasure Hunt

Ahoy matey! ‘ARRRRR’ you up for hunting for buried treasure? Bring out your kid’s inner pirate by hiding a small object or prize and sending your kids looking for it. Write and hide hints all over your home, with each one leading them to the next clue. Plus, the more clues you write, the longer the game will last—extra points for talking like a pirate.

These indoor activities can be the perfect way to entertain your kids, spark their creativity, and make some amazing childhood memories together.

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