Featuring a quote from a parent of when they first knew something was different.
See also: How I Knew My Child Had CPP Series #2: Hair Growth
For kids, every day brings new experiences and accompanying emotions. It’s normal for childrens’ moods to change from day to day. But for kids with central precocious puberty (CPP), mood changes can seem random, out of control, and entirely out of character.
If your kiddo has been on an emotional roller coaster lately, something hormonal could be going on. Consider taking these steps to handle the issue with care.
My usually easy-going six-year-old daughter suddenly seemed temperamental and moody. She was happy one minute, and in tears the next. It was such a shift from her usual personality that I called her doctor, and I’m so glad I did.

See your pediatrician right away
Your child’s pediatrician can check for physical signs of central precocious puberty like growth acceleration, pubic hair, menstruation, and testes or breast bud development. They can also refer you to a pediatric endocrinologist if they suspect CPP. If and when your child is prescribed a treatment for CPP, hormonal mood swings may become more manageable.
Understand what’s happening in your child’s body
Mood swings occur when serotonin and dopamine levels rise and fall rapidly. Serotonin levels are controlled by estrogen and progesterone, while dopamine levels are controlled by testosterone. An abrupt increase in reproductive hormones can send kids’ neurotransmitters into a tailspin, and cause teenage-esque emotions to ensue.
Talk to your child with sensitivity
If CPP is at the root of your child’s mood swings, know that their body is experiencing big changes and speak to them gently. They can’t control their hormones, and if their moods are overwhelming for you, imagine how they must feel! Let your kiddo express themself, practice healthy coping skills together and assure them that these feelings will pass.
If your child does have CPP, their symptoms are treatable. These emotional ups and downs won’t last forever and aren’t a permanent part of your child’s personality. And with the help of a pediatric endocrinologist, your little one should feel like themself again soon.
See also: How I Knew My Child Had CPP Series #4: Sexual Comments/Behaviors
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