
Preparing For Your Upcoming Pediatrician Appointment

Reminders and questions to ask for your child’s first appointment.

If you suspect your little one has central precocious puberty (CPP), it’s a good idea to make an appointment with your pediatrician right away. If CPP seems likely, they will be the one to refer you to a pediatric endocrinologist for a full diagnosis and potential treatment. Ideally, you’ll receive the support you need to begin your child’s healing journey as soon as possible. However, because CPP is rare, there’s a chance that your pediatrician might not recognize your child’s symptoms as signs of early puberty.

This list of reminders and talking points should aid your discussion and ensure that your questions and concerns are addressed. Ultimately, you are the best advocate for your little one, and you deserve confidence and clarity when it comes to their well-being.

Track your child’s symptoms

Remember that central precocious puberty symptoms are similar to regular puberty symptoms, they just happen sooner! So if your child has been experiencing growth acceleration, pubic hair, menstruation, body odor, testes or breast bud development, or mood swings, these could all be indicators of CPP. Give your pediatrician all the details – which symptoms your child has been dealing with and for how long – so they’re equipped to refer you to a pediatric endocrinologist if necessary.[1]

Know your history

Your pediatrician will likely ask you several questions about your family’s medical history and your child’s home environment to assess the probability of CPP. Come prepared with information about your kid’s nutrition, everyday surroundings, and general demeanor; plus the respective heights of their biological parents (whether or not that includes you) and the age those parents went through puberty. 

At your appointment, remember to ask:

  • These are the symptoms my child is experiencing. Will you check for other early puberty symptoms?
  • I’ve done some research and I understand that if my child does have CPP, it’s important to get a pediatric endocrinologist referral as soon as possible. Is there any way to expedite that process? 
  • Is there a local pediatric endocrinologist who you trust and think would be a good fit for us?

You and your child will know if treatment is a viable option soon. For now, keep asking questions and know that Little a Little Longer is always here as a resource!

See also: Preparing for Your Upcoming Pediatric Endocrinologist Appointment

  1. Precocious puberty. National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). https://rarediseases.org/ rare-diseases/precocious-puberty/. 2016. Accessed January 6, 2019.

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