
You’re Invited to The MAGIC Foundation’s 28th Annual Convention!

When your child has a rare condition, it’s crucial to have access to a supportive community that understands what your family is going through. That’s just one reason why we’re grateful for the MAGIC Foundation, a charitable non-profit organization that provides support services for families affected by CPP and other growth disorders. Every year, the MAGIC Foundation gathers a community of parents and caregivers like you, all hoping to connect and share their experiences of raising children with growth disorders. 

This year’s convention will be held:

July 14-16, 2022
at the Westin Yorktown in Lombard, Illinois. 

Register for the 28th annual MAGIC Foundation Conference here

Attendees can expect two full days of comprehensive programming, including educational talks and live question and answer sessions about physical health, mental health, insurance, genetics, education issues, and more with leading growth experts from around the world. You’ll also have the chance to connect with other caregivers of children with CPP who can offer solidarity on what you’re going through and perspective for the future, as well as access to an exhibit hall of supportive resources where you can chat with leaders in the rare disease space.

Beyond their annual conference, the MAGIC Foundation does incredible work for children’s growth every day. On a mission “to reduce the emotional and physical trauma caused by growth disorders, resulting in healthier, happier children and consequently, adults,” they have made it their life’s work to help shed light on growth disorders, provide support to families looking for answers, and foster community for caregivers in the unique position you are in.

We invite you to expand your community, get answers, and find the support you deserve.
